Notice – Project Planning Cost Amendment

The Section 32 Sewer Authority is submitting an amendment to their Wastewater Improvements Project to complete Phase 2. The purpose of the proposed project is to complete improvements to the existing wastewater system to provide performance to meet present day regulatory standards, to replace outdated and deteriorated systems, and minimize long term operation costs.

Project construction will involve replacing the current collection system, expanding the collection system in the current service area, and abandoning the existing lagoons. The amendment will be removing the transmission main to BASA from the overall scope of the project.

Impacts of the proposed project include short term construction related impacts and financial impacts to the wastewater system users. No significant long term adverse impacts are anticipated on either cultural or environmentally sensitive resources.

The previous Phase 2 scope was estimated to be $4,068,000 with a user rate impact of $81. The estimated cost to the users will be decreased as part of the amendment to Phase 2 to approximately $1,500,000 with costs to individual users dependent on the level and type of project financing that can be secured for the project with a maximum of $47 per month per residential equivalent user. The Authority intends to pursue project financing with the goal of minimizing impact to the system users.

Any comments should be submitted to the contact information below within 15-days of this notice being published.

Section 32 Sewer Authority

ATTN: Paula Koruga

PO Box 47

Wakefield, MI 49968